Materials Donation Policy
The Ohio County Public Library appreciates the generosity and thoughtfulness of its many patrons in donating books and other library materials to the Library. Because of the overwhelming number of items donated, the limited amount of staff time to handle these donations, and limited space to house the donated materials, OCPL must restrict the donations accepted. OCPL welcomes donations of books and other materials of value. This policy serves to clarify which items are desirable, acceptable and usable.
Acceptable Donations:
Gently used books, CD audio books and music, DVDs, and VHS tapes.
- Magazines on crafts, cooking, history, West Virginia, gardening, children’s magazines, and all issues of Life, Look, and Saturday Evening Post.
- Mass market paperback books published within the last ten years in good condition.
Unacceptable Donations include:
- Textbooks
- Workbooks or manuals
- Educational or Reference book sets
- Reader’s Digest condensed books
- Discarded books and other library materials from other libraries
- Vinyl records
- Books on Tape (cassettes)
- Music Cassettes
- Software
- Puzzles
- Games
- Magazines not listed above as acceptable
- Mass Market paperbacks in poor condition and/or over ten years old
- Items in poor physical condition, for example, broken spine, moldy, water damaged, mildewed, missing or yellowed pages, etc.
- No artifacts such as artwork, equipment of any kind including computer, furniture, etc. These items can only be accepted with the Director’s approval and under very special circumstances.
The library can only accept a limited number of boxes or bags at a time. More than ten boxes or bags require the prior approval of the Library Director. All donations must be brought to the Circulation Desk. Items left on OCPL’s loading dock without approval will be discarded. The Library does not pick up donations except under special circumstances with the approval of the Library Director.
All donations become the property of the Ohio County Public Library and may be disposed of at the discretion of the library.
- Adopted by the OCPL Board of Trustees: August 8, 2012