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Mt. Zion History
— from "History of Wheeling City and Ohio County, West Virginia and Representative Citizens, by Hon. Gibson Lamb Cranmer (1902)
Mt. Zion Cemetery is nicely located about one little up Caldwell's run. It is the property of Zion's Lutheran congregation. The grounds consist of about six acres, which were bought from Mr. Caldwell in the summer of 1863, and converted into a cemetery.
The first corpse, a child, Annie Hofmeister, was buried on the 22d of November, the same year. Part of the grounds was laid off in lots 16 feet square to the number of 445, all of which, with the exception of about 100, have since been sold. There is still enough ground left to lay out about 200 more lots. There have been interred up to the present date 1,012 corpses. There are as yet no vaults on the grounds. Quite a large number of fine monuments may be seen, among which may he mentioned those belonging to Mrs. J. Heinlein, Mrs. Seabright, Mrs. Koehlein, Fred Bromer, Mrs. Hofmeister, Eckhard, Otte and others. The cemetery is governed by a board elected by the members of Zion's congregation, the officers at the time of this writing being President, Rev O. Meerwem; secretaries, Soldan and Conrad Shepp; trustees, Louis Feltner and A. Rolf. This cemetery is kept in good repair, not only by members of Zion's congregation, but by our citizens generally.
▶ Fairmont Avenue along Caldwell Run above South Wheeling
Noted interments in Mt. Zion Cemetery
Many Civil War Veterans and Spanish-American War Veterans are buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery.The Wheeling Area Geneaological Society has compiled a comprehesive list of veterans interred which is available to view in the Wheeling Room or by visiting their website.
Related resources in our library
▼ Wheeling Room* (non-circulating: ask for access at reference desk) ▼ *The Wheeling Room has a strict no bag policy. Lockers are provided for temporary storage of bags, backpacks, purses, etc. ▶ Access to the Wheeling Room |
The Cemeteries of Ohio County, West Virginia (Dillon, Glenna A., 2007) CALL NUMBER: Wheeling 9293.5 D587c |
Military veteran graves in Mt. Zion Cemetery, Wheeling, WV (Bloomfield, Lawrence E., 2009) CALL NUMBER: Wheeling 929.5 B623m |
Mt. Zion Cemetery Association Record Book (Mount Zion Cemetery Association. [transcribed by Wheeling Area Genealogical Society, 2012]) CALL NUMBER: Wheeling 929.5 Mt. v.1 CALL NUMBER: Wheeling 929.5 Mt. v.2 |
Mt. Zion Cemetery Records: Fairmont Avenue, Wheeling, West Virginia ([transcribed by Wheeling Area Genealogical Society, 1984]) CALL NUMBER: Wheeling 929.50975414 M863 |
▼ Archives (non-circulating - view by appointment only: 304-232-0244) ▼ |
Record book, Mt. Zion Cemetery Association. (Mount Zion Cemetery Association, 1919) CALL NUMBER: Special Collections - Archives 2010-015 |
Record book, Mt. Zion Cemetery Association. (Mount Zion Cemetery Association, 1943) CALL NUMBER: Special Collections - Archives 2010-016 |
▼ Archiving Wheeling Blog ▼ |
The Origins of Memorial Day (Duffy, Seán, 2014) ▶ http://www.archivingwheeling.org/blog/theoriginsofmemorialday/ |