Events In Wheeling
➤ Prehistory/Native American history
➤ European exploration and settlements
➤ The Fort Henry Story
➤ Betty Zane Powder Keg Run
➤ The Leap of Samuel McColloch
➤ The building of and incorporation of Wheeling
➤ Land claimed by Ebenezer Zane in 1769
➤ Became the county seat in 1797
➤ Chartered as a town in 1806
➤ Incorporated as a town in 1836
➤ Wheeling Conventions
➤ First Wheeling Convention: May 1861
➤ Second Wheeling Convention: June & August 1861
➤ Restored Government of Virginia
➤ Constitutional Convention of 1861–63
➤ Constitution of West Virginia 1863
➤ The First State Capitol (1863-1870)
➤ The Third State Capitol (1875-1885)
➤ The "Floating" Capitol
➤ The Capitals and Capitols of West Virginia
➤ State Archives Return to Wheeling
➤ Capital Returns to Charleston, 1885
Wheeling at War:
➤ Revolutionary War
➤ War of 1812
➤ Civil War
➤ Sketch of the life of Brig. Gen. B. F. Kelley, 1862
➤ World War I
➤From Camp Lee to the Great War: The Letters of Lester Scott and Charles Riggle
➤William Hogan Sr. Photo Collection
➤ Wheeling's Real Doughboys
➤ World War II
➤German POWS on American Soil
➤USS Indianapolis Survivor, Paul McGinnis
➤Wheeling Central Catholic Students and Graduates Killed in Action During WWII
➤ Naval Ships
➤ USS Wheeling
➤ USNS Wheeling
➤ Memories in Hand: Veterans Project
➤ Floods and Low River
➤ Fires
➤ Bridge Collapses
➤ Steel Bridge Collapse (October 15, 1924)
➤ Suspension Bridge Collapse (May 20, 1854)
➤ Crashes
➤ Mozart Street Car Crash
➤ Mine Disasters
➤ The Benwood Mine Disaster (April 28, 1924)
➤ Football
➤ Chuck Howley
➤Wheeling Ironmen
➤ Baseball
➤ Bicycling
➤ Wheeling Wheelmen, 1886
➤ Hockey
Famous Visits:
➤ Arts Fest
➤ Emancipation Day
➤ Saengerfest
➤ Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival
➤ Other Festivals
➤ 1875 Centennial (Town Government)
➤ 1913 Semi-Centennial (Statehood)
➤ 1936 Centennial (City Incorporation)
➤ 1963 Centennial (Statehood)
➤ 1969 Bicentennial (Founding)
➤ 2013 Sesquicentennial (Statehood)
➤ Annual Christmas Parade
➤ Labor Day
➤ Other Parades