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Afro-American voters form Atkinson Club, 1888

-from the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Sept. 15, 1888


The Young Colored Voters Organize a Fine Campaign Club.

The young colored voters of the city met in Market hall last eveningand organized a club of fifty-one members. The meeting was called to orderby Prof. James H. Jones, who named Mr. F. W. Wright as temporary chairman.Mr. Wright made a few well chosen remarks. Mr. D. B. Buckner was electedsecretary and Mr. W. L. Jones assistant. A committee of five was appointedon permanent organization. The chairman appointed Mr. T. J. Lewis, GreenB. Jefferson, John R. Washington, J. Mason Rector and N. L. Dallard. Duringthe absence of the committee remarks were made by several gentlemen, whowere cheered to the echo.

The permanent officers reported and elected were: Mr. F. W. Wright,president; H. B. Clemens, vice president; D. B. Buckner, secretary; W.L. Jones, assistant secretary; Ashby Jeffries, treasurer; George McMechen,sargeant-at-arms.

The club was named, by a rousing vote, "The Young Men's Atkinson Club."Ham. Davis was elected captain of the marching club and J. R. Washington,first lieutenant. The other officers will be elected at the next regularmeeting, Friday, September 21.

The intention is make the club such an one as will reflect credit uponthe colored citizens of the chief city of the State. The meeting was harmoniousand all voiced the opinion that the success of the club was assured.

- from the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Sept. 22, 1888:


The Atkinson Club Booming

The Atkinson Republican Club, organized by the colored voters of Wheelinglast week, met again last night. The membership was increased by forty-nineaccessions, making 101 members in all. It is believed this will yet growto 150 or 175. At last night's meeting the roster of officers was completedby the election of the following: Second Vice President, G. B. Jefferson;Third Vice President, Frank Coles; Second Lieutenant, James Branson; ThirdLieutenant, Elias L. Rolls; Orderly Sergeant, Jesse D. Dixon; First SergeantN. L. Dallard; Second Sergeant, Frank Dolen; Third Sergeant, Robert Mason;Chaplain, Rev. G. G. Skinner.

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