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Wheeling Wharf Parking Garage

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Wheeling Wharf Parking Garage

Construction was begun on the Wheeling Wharf Parking Garage August 1, 1955. A municipal project, the garage was built at a cost of approximately $1 million, financed through the issuance of Revenue Bonds. The garage was completed in a year's time and dedicated August 1, 1956. It was 600 by 120 feet (twice as long as a football playing field) and had four floors including an upper deck with a capacity of to hold 945 cars. The four floors covered 233,000 square feet (about five acres).

Byrum Construction Company of Wheeling was the prime contractor to build the garage. Basic materials used in the construction included 1,200 tons of structural steel (100 trailer loads), 4,000 cubic yards of concrete, and "enough 3/8 inch reinforcing rods to reach from Wheeling to Pittsburgh. The foundations were driven to solid rock 70 feet below the first-floor level representing approximately 385 concrete pilings according to the dedication program.

The Wheeling Wharf Parking Garage was removed in 1998 to make way for Wheeling Heritage Port Park.


 â–¶ Water Street between 11th and 14th Street (now Wheeling Heritage Port)


Wheeling Wharf Parking Garage

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler
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