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Sanatel Tobacco Co.

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Sanatel Tobacco Co. in Wheeling

-from the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, June 27, 1899

The charter of the Sanatel Tobacco Company was admitted to record. The capital stock is $300,000, of which
$30,000 is subscribed, with privilege to make it $500,000. The Incorporators are: H. Frank, of Wheeling;
Gabriel E. Beekman, of Boston, Mass.; Isaac Hirshburg, of Wheeling; Milton M. Beekman, Washington, D. C., and Charles J. Beekman, of Wheeling.

â–¶ Sanatel Tobacco Co. Chartered, 1899 (Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, March 16, 1899


â–¶ 1323 Market Street 


Sanatel Stogies Cigar Box

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â–¶ No additional resources at this time.

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler
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