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Bank of Fulton

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Bank of Fulton

The Bank of Fulton was established in 1909. Receiving a charter September 23, 1909, it was incorporated by Otto Schenk, Louis Sax, Henry Roth, George Zoeckler, and H. W. Campbell with a capital stock of $25,000. Plans to construct a bank building soon followed. The Wheeling Intelligencer reported Saturday, February 26th, 1910:

"The board of directors of the Fulton bank have accepted the plans of Giesey and Faris, the local architects, for the erection of a new banking building at the corner of Fifth street and the National road in Fulton. The building will cost about $10,000 and will be constructed of light colored buff brick with stone trimmings. The building will be two stories high and will be 50x54 feet.

"The first floor will be taken up with a banking room and a store room, and directors’ rooms will be built in the rear of the banking room.

"The second floor will be taken up with four office rooms and a large assembly hall, suitable for lodges or dances and the like. Giesey and Faris were given the power to ask for bids, which they will do as soon as they make a few desired changes in the plans and specifications. The building will be modern in every respect and will be equipped with the latest burglar proof safes."

The name was changed from Bank of Fulton to Fulton Bank & Trust Company in July of 1920. It was last listed in the Wheeling City Directory in 1955. 

For many years, the old bank building was the home to Hall of Frame. 


â–¶ 1910~1955: 496-498 National Road (corner of National Road and Bank St., formerly 5th St., Fulton)


Fulton Bank & Trust Company

Additional Resources

â–¶ Vertical File: Wheeling Bank & Banking Historical, Wheeling Room, non-circulating, ask for access at the reference desk.

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler
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