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Alexander & Co. Shoe Store

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Alexander & Co. Shoe Store in Wheeling

Alexander and Co. Shoe Store was opened by Seaton Alexander, November 23, 1889. Alexander started in the shoe business at the age of fourteen and had seven years experience in that business before he located in Wheeling in 1881. After settling in Wheeling he worked for the J. H. Locke Shoe Company for a period of eight years. In November 1889, he engaged in business for himself under the firm name of Alexander & Company, being associated with the Vance Shoe Company until 1899. At that time he took George J. Mathison into partnership, doing business at No. 1049 Main street.

The Alexander & Co. Shoe Store is listed in the Wheeling City Directories through 1964. 

â–¶ Read about the opening of Alexander & Co., November 23, 1889, Wheeling Daily Intelligencer. 
â–¶ Read Seaton Alexander's biographical sketch from "History of Wheeling City and Ohio County, West Virginia and Representative Citizens," by Hon. Gibson Lamb Cranmer, 1902. 


 â–¶ 1049 Main St. (demolished)


Alexander & Co. Shoe Store

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler
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