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Packet H. K. Bedford

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Packet H. K. Bedford

From the Ralph Conley column, "The River," Wheeling Intelligencer, Saturday, January 25th, 1958 (see below for link to full article):

"According to the best information at hand, Capt. Gordon C. Greene began his river career as a boat owner in 1887 when he and Brady Morgan purchased the old Princess from Capt. Thomas Prince of Wheeling... With the Princess, Greene and Morgan did job towing. It was in 1890 that Capt. Gordon C. Greene started in the packet business. In that year he went to Nashville, Tenn. and purchased the H. K. Bedford. This boat was already well known on the upper Ohio but became better known later because under Greene's management the boat became a regular fixture. Gordon arrived at Pittsburgh with the H. K. Bedford on June 22, 1890 and the next day the boat started in the lucrative Pittsburgh to Wheeling trade. She left Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Later her run was extended to Charleston... Greene sold this boat in 1898, but she continued to ply her trade on this end of the Ohio for many years afterward."

Capt. Gordon C. Greene's wife, Mrs. Gordon Green, took out papers making her a fully authorized pilot on the river between Pittsburgh and Marietta. 

H. K. Bedford caught in an ice floe on February 29, 1912, about 8 miles upstream from Marietta, Ohio, and sank.

From the Parkersburg Dispatch-News:

"Late Tuesday night while the boat was making its way from this city to Wheeling it met with a fatal disaster at a point a short distance below Waverly, on the Ohio side of the river that will probably forever put it out of business, as it was sunk in the river in such a manner that by the time the ice from the Allegheny river has passed down there will be little or nothing left of the boat above the water..." 

Newspaper Articles

➤ Ralph Conley The River article: The H. K BedfordWheeling Intelligencer, January 25th, 1958


Postcard: Steamboat Lying at Wharf, Wheeling, W. Va.

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler

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