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Bradley & Eckhart Wool Mill

- from The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Friday, April 14, 1865.

Tax extensive woolen factory of Messrs. Bradley & Eckhart is among the most successful manufacturing establishments in the city. It has been operated with a quiet energy that has attracted but little public notice. Yet for the last six or seven years it has been constantly running not stopping for a single day, except for necessary repairs or upon some day of public character when a general suspension of business prevailed. The present proprietors are Mrs. Elizabeth Bradley and John Eckhart, Jr. [Note: John Eckhart, Sr. was in the business of manufacturing stockings]. The factory building stands on the corner of fifth and Lindsey streets, are substantial and commodious and well adapted to the business for which they were expressly designed. The machinery is of the latest and most approved style. —The articles manufactured are of superior quality, and consist of flannels, jeans, and knitting and weaving yearns. The proprietors find ready sale for the whole of their products and daring a large part of the year ran their mill through a portion of the night. The amount of wool purchased annually and worked up in the factory amounts to about 150,000 pounds and 3,000 gallons of lard oil are used in the process of manufacture.

The mill runs 160 spindles and two sets of cards. Employs from thirty to forty hands, one half of whom are females.

Mr. Eckhart became a partner in the concern last September, since which time he has been manager of the establishment.

The very successful operations of the Factory under its skillful management, is another evidence of the local advantages and superior enterprise experienced and manifested by Wheeling manufacturers.

- from The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Tuesday, October 17, 1876.


By virtue of deed of trust made by Elizabeth Bradley to the undersigned trustee, dated the 7th day of September, A. D., duly recorded among the land records of Ohio county, West Virginia, in Deed of Trust book No. 9 page 208, I will on

SATURDAY, the 11th day November, 1876, at the front door of the Court House of Ohio county, West Virginia, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M. proceed to sell to the highest bidder, the following described real estate and other property, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay the debt secured by said deed of trust, and the expenses of sale, that is to say, all that part of the lot numbered 11 (eleven) situated on the east side of Jacob, formerly called Sixth street, in that part of the Fourth ward of the city of Wheeling, West Virginia, commonly called East Wheeling, and bounded on the west by Jacob street, on the south and by Wheeling creek, on the east by lot numbered twelve and on the North by a line to be drawn from Jacob street to said lot numbered twelve, parallel to and south from Ninteeenth street, formerly called Lindsley street, and at the distance of 120 feet therefrom, with the improvements, appurtenatices, rights and privledes to the said part lot belonging of appertaining; also the machinery, engine, boilers, fixtures and tools on said real estate to be sold as above.

The above property will to sold subject to a deed of trust from the said Elizabeth Bradley to Daniel Lamb, dated December 2d, 1874, and recorded among said land records in Dead of Trust Book No. 7, page 546, the amount claimed to be secured by which deed, on October 7th, 1876, deducting payments made since its execution and delivery, was $4,000 of principal and $87 of interest.

TERMS OF SALE—One-fourth of the purchase money, or such greater amount thereof as the purchaser may elect to pay, cash in hand, the residue in three equal installments, payable respectively in twelve and eighteen months from the day of sale, with interest from that day, and the deferred payments to be secured by a deed of trust on the property sold.

Selling as trustee I shall convey such title as is vested in me by said deed of trust.

GEO. B. CALDWELL, Trustee.

J. C. HERVEY, Auctioneer.

The above sale has been postponed until Saturday, November 25th, at 11 o'clock A.M.

GEO. B. CALDWELL, Trustee.

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