Mozart Park Grand Opening, October 25, 1893
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- from the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Thursday, October 26, 1893.
Exercises Under Direction of the Singing Society.
And Enjoyed the Excellent Musical Programme That was Rendered, With the Assistance of the Best Local Talent—The Weather All That Could Have Been Desired—An Unfortunate Hitch
And Enjoyed the Excellent Musical Programme That was Rendered, With the Assistance of the Best Local Talent—The Weather All That Could Have Been Desired—An Unfortunate Hitch.
To unfortunates who are compelled to remain in the close city during the excessively hot days of mid-summer, and who are unable to secure a breath of country air, Mozart Park, which was thrown open formally yesterday afternoon, will prove a boon.
Mozart Park, while not within the corporate limits of the city, is just on the edge, making it one of the most convenient pleasure spots for recreation, of the various resorts open to the public, especially to South Siders. The incline, which was first open to the public yesterday, gives such easy access that the new park will form a strong rival for public favor with those already open to patronage.
A more delightful day could not have been selected for the opening. The air while not too cool for comfort, was keen and bracing enough to add zest to the beautiful view that awaited those who made the ascension to the top of the hill.
The only feature that served to mar this perfect success to the day was the cracking of a cross head of one of the engines at the top of the incline. This caused the unfortunate delay in the starting of cars, which caused many people to leave. The break occurred in the morning and was not repaired until four o'clock in the afternoon, the engineer proffering not to take any chances, would not start the cars earlier. Had this not occurred over a thousand people would have been in attendance. As it was there wore nearly four hundred present when the overture of the concert was struck up by the band in the big pavillion [sic].
The Mozart singing Society, undaunted, turned out in full numbers with flying colors, and headed by Meister's band, marched up the hillside. A big crowd of ladies and gentlemen brought up the rear. A large number made the tiresome climb directly up the side of the incline, while a portion awaited the starting of the cars. When the society reached the dancing pavilion they found a good crowd that had preceded them in carriages anxiously awaiting their arrival.
All of the buildings were profusely decorated with flags, bunting and evergreens. The dancing pavilion, where the concert was held, was especially noticeable in this respect. The band stand was filled with palms, potted plants and flowers, arranged in a tasty manner. Before the concert was started the awnings had to be let down to shut out the breeze. Genial Charley Horstman and the members of the society were everywhere, looking after the comfort of their guests.
After the overture by Meister's orchestra, Prof. Herman Schockey, the director, swung his baton for the opening vocal number by the Mozart society. The chorus (a) "Stændehem," (b) "Normann's Song,” was rendered with vim and vigor in well blended voices that won rounds of applause and made everyone forgot their climb.
Miss Flora Williams then sang the beautiful soprano solo, "Auf Weidersche," in such a manner that she in was compelled to respond with an encore. Mr. Herman Steinman's tenor solo, "Queen of the Earth," came in for generous applause, and he responded with "I am Waiting."
The society increased the favorable impression made by the opening chorus by rendering "Die Stille Wasser-rose."
Mr. Charles Zulauf then charmed the audience with a fine basso solo, "In diesen heil'gen Hallen," and in response to the warm applause sang "The Toast" as an encore.
Mr. Will B. Day gave "Es hat nicht sollen sein" in perfect voice, responding with "Manola," a Spanish fandango song in which the society came in on the chorus; both numbers were warmly applauded.
The trio, "The Mariners," by Miss Flora Williams, Messrs. Day and Zulauf, was the finest number on the programme. The chorus, "Das Dichtergrab am Rhein," by the Mozart society, made a fitting close of an excellent concert. Prof. Herman Schockey added much the pleasure by his music as accompaniest [sic] and director.
The floor was then cleared for dancing, which was started shortly after 5 o'clock and continued until midnight. During the concert the audience was greatly increased, the incline having started. By 6 o'clock the pavilion was crowded, although a number left, but others took their place as fast as they departed. A fine supper was served under the direction of Eberhard Hofreuter, the noted caterer of the Eighth ward.
All the members of the Mozart society and directors of the park were highly pleased over the success of the opening.
One of the attractions extraordinary last night was the foot race from the top of the incline to the cafe building a distance of about three hundred yards, between Charley Hussemann and Squire Schultze. The former had seemingly no difficulty in defeating his judicial opponent. The contest excited great amusement, as both weighed far above 200 pounds.
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