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Iron & Steel Industries in Wheeling

Places of Wheeling Icon ➤  WHEELING HISTORY  âž¤  PLACES   ➤  BUSINESSES   ➤  IRON & STEEL

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Steel Industry in Wheeling:

➤ Iron & Steel in Wheeling in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ A discussion of soft steel, one of Wheeling's specialties (1886 Intelligencer article)
➤ Iron Roofing Industry in Wheeling in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Lantern Manufacturing in Wheeling, 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Machine Shops & Foundries in Wheeling, 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Stove Foundries in Wheeling in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Pipe and Nail Works in Wheeling, 1889 (Intelligencer article)

Iron & Steel Works:

➤ Arlington Stove Works (Jos. Bell & Co.)
➤ Arlington Stove Works in Wheeling, 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Bandi Files
➤ Bandi File Manufacturing in Wheeling, 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Belmont Iron Works
➤ Belmont Iron Works Advertisement (1851)
➤ Centre Foundry
➤ A Tour of Centre Foundry & Machine Co., 1990
➤ Crescent mill of Whitaker Iron Co.
➤ Crescent Mill in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Island Foundry
➤ Island Foundry in 1860 (Wheeling Intelligencer article)
➤ J. E. Moss Iron Works
➤ La Belle Iron Works | La Belle Cut Nail Company 
➤ National Tube & Riverside Works
➤ The Riverside Iron Works 
➤ The Riverside Iron Works in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ The Top Mill (Wheeling Iron and Nail Co.)
➤ Top Mill in 1886 (Intelligencer article)

➤ Wheeling Corrugating Co.
➤ Wheeling Hinge Co.
➤ Wheeling Hinge Co. in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Wheeling Iron Works
➤ Wheeling Iron Works Price List, 1836
➤ Wheeling Mold & Foundry | Continental Roll | Blaw-Knox 

➤ Wheeling Novelty Works
➤ Wheeling Novelty Works, 1849
➤ Wheeling Stamping Co. [Nail City Lantern Company]
➤ Wheeling Steel Co.
➤ Wheeling Steel in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Wheeling Steel in 1956 (News-Register article)
➤ Whitaker-Glessner Co. 

ACROSS THE RIVER (Ohio Companies)
➤ Carnegie Steel Works (Bellaire, Ohio)
➤ Laughlin Steel Co. and Junction Iron Co.  (Mingo, Ohio)
➤ Laughlin Steel Co. and Junction Iron Co. in 1886 (Intelligencer article)

Nail Industry in Wheeling:

➤ Wheeling's Leading Product (1886)

Nail Works:

➤ Benwood Nail Works
➤ La Belle Iron Works | La Belle Cut Nail Company 
➤ Belmont Nail Works
     âž¤ Belmont Nail Works advertisement (1862)
     âž¤ Belmont Nail Works in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
➤ Norway Tack Co.
    ➤ Norway Tack Co. in 1886 (Intelligencer article)

ACROSS THE RIVER (Ohio Companies)
    ➤ Bellaire Nail Co.  (Bellaire, Ohio)
         âž¤ Bellaire Nail Co. in 1886 (Intelligencer article)
    ➤ Laughlin Nail Co. (Martins Ferry, Ohio)
         âž¤ Laughlin Nail Co. in 1886 (Intelligencer article)

Axle Manufacturers:

➤ Spears Axle Co. 
➤ Wheeling Axle Co. 

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