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Geo. R. Taylor Co.

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Geo. R. Taylor Co.

George Russell Taylor came to Wheeling in 1844. In 1847, he became a partner in the firm of Mawl & Taylor, dealers in dry goods. In 1861, Geo R. Taylor purchased his partner's interest in the company.

From "HISTORY OF THE UPPER OHIO VALLEY," Vol. I, page 454. Brant & Fuller, 1890:

His taste, and adaptation to the business, close application to the demands of the establishment, long experience and unusual skill and foresight as a buyer, have conjoined to build up the business from year to year, until this is now the largest retail dry goods store in the state.

Though a veteran in the trade, Mr. Taylor's prosecution of business is now characterized with as much activity as at any time during his long career. The space occupied by this great establishment deserves mention, occupying as it does, three floors on Main and one and a half on Market street, and extending entirely through the square from street to street, making a floorage 264 feet deep.

In 1959, the Geo R. Taylor Co. dry good stored merged with the Geo. E. Stifel Co. to become Stifel and Taylor’s Value City. 


 ▶ 1150 Main and 1153 Market St.


Geo. R. Taylor Co.

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