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The Island Foundry, 1860

from THE WHEELING DAILY INTELLIGENCER, " Special Natural Gas Edition", September 14, 1886.
➤ View Special Edition in its entirety.

We yesterday paid a visit to the Island Foundry, which is so prosperously and energetically conducted by I. H. Williams & Co. They manufacture cooking and heating stoves of every description, enameled arches, hollow ware, and almost everything else legitimately pertaining to the business. The force about the foundry, under the direction of Mr. Morrison, the foreman, were pouring the hot metal into the innumerable moulds prepared for the purpose, presenting one of those fiery scenes of bustle and activity, for which Wheeling and her manufacturing establishments are celebrated. The stove patterns now to be seen in the ware room, No. 12, Monroe street, are of all sizes and styles, but are being constantly increased by everything that modern improvement and taste can suggest. The quality of the work seemed to be superior in many respects, having a peculiar smoothness and exactness that is rarely seen. The trade of this house is constantly increasing, and the proprietors seem rather to be encouraged by the ill-luck which has attending them in the way of fire. The firm consists of I. H. Williams, Wm. McCoy and Thos. M. McNeely, to the latter of whom we are indebted for a knowledge of the process by which this important branch of business is conducted.

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