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Glue Manufacturers in Wheeling, 1886

from THE WHEELING DAILY INTELLIGENCER, " Special Natural Gas Edition", September 14, 1886.
View Special Edition in its entirety.


An Industry in which Wheeling Competes with Larger Cities

A Wheeling industry which, while not so extensive as the iron, steel or glass working, yet sets forth strongly the advantages of the location for manufacturers of all sorts, is the production of glue. R.M. Gilleland operates a glue factory at the extreme south end. This factory was established ten years ago, but for the first two years or so was not prosperous. There was then more raw material produced here than could be consumed.

Mr. Gilleland took charge of the establishment eight years ago. He enlarged its capacity, introduced the most modern improvements and processes, and has in eight years built up such an industry that the raw material furnished at home does not comprise one-fourth of the stock used. Mr. Gilleland brings raw material from Ohio, Indiana, Ilinois [ ... ] When he took charge the concern was small and its trade. entirely local. Now he sells glue to jobbers and extensive consumers in all the large cities from New York and Philadelphia to Chicago and St. Louis. The advantages of Wheeling are forcibly shown by the fact that he can purchase raw material in Chicago, and compete with that city and other large producers in the markets of the East.

The glue factory occupies a space 225 feet square, and the buildings, which are commodious and complete in all the modern appliances, are 160 by 60 feet, and the business when in full operation gives employment to fourteen hands. Wheeling glue holds its own for quality with that made anywhere. The process of manufacture is interesting and ingenious, and an inspection would convince anybody that the popular idea that anything offensive enters into the composition of glue is entirely erroneous. It is as clean as lard or tallow - cleaner than much of these products on the market.

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