Wheeling Hospital, Wheeling Daily Intelligencer Article, November 26, 1891
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- from The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, November 26, 1891
The Wheeling Hospital
The charter of the Wheeling Hospital was taken out March 12, 1850, by the late Bishop Whelan, and some timeafter, that institution was opened in a house near the end of Fifteenth street. Drs. John Frissell and S. P. Hullihen were appointed surgeons. It was afterwards moved to its present site, near the north end of Main street.
After the death of Dr. Hullihen, Dr. Frissell was the sole physician and surgeon, a position he still retains. Patients are at liberty, however, to make the choice of any physician in the city, and very many of those treated in the hospital are the private patients of different physicians. The marine patients are also maintained here by the United States government. The successor of Dr. Hullihen was Dr. S. L. Jepson, who received from the Secretary of the Treasury, the appointment of acting assistant surgeon in the marine hospital service. This he resigned in February, 1889, Dr. C. F. Ulrich being his successor.
The old building which stands on the river bank running north and south is a very large affair, three stories high, under which is a basement given up to large rooms used for various purposes. There is also a large attic, which is used for sleeping apartments. Just north of the main building stands a large two-story wash house, with patent washing and ironing machines. Just in the rear on the grounds runs a broad roadway, by which the patients are hauled right up to the main entrance in the rear.
The new wing addition, which is square, is connected with the main building by broad halls on every floor, is built of brick with grey stone trimmings, and extends almost out to the pavement. Being built on sloping ground, the front presents but two stories, the rear half having three. The front is highly ornamented with a handsome entrance, with big storm doors, with a small tower in the centre above the mansard roof.
There will be about sixteen large rooms in the addition, with bath rooms on every floor, and hot and cold water. All the rooms will be heated with steam. There are also fire places in each.
On the fi[r]st floor there is a very handsome chapel for the use of the sisters, which is just now being fitted up. The old one, in the main building, will be converted into wards for the use of patients. On this floor is also the reception room and parlor. On the second floor front will be the operating room. This will have either a lead or tile floor, so that it can be flooded with water, and any septic portions dropped on the floor during an operation can be instantly washed away. Every room in both the new wing and main building has one or more windows, giving plenty of light, and a very sweeping view of the river and view up and down the valley. The finish of the entire building is of cherry, with handsomely carved balustrades on all the stairways, which are broken in short flights, with frequent landings. The halls are all broad. There is also a dumb elevator in the hall.
In the main building there are between thirty and forty rooms, including the big wards, with their numerous beds. The orphans have also several large dormitories in this building. At present there are forty-seven of these, ranging in age from two up to fifteen years old. All are given a good schooling, and are taught sewing, knitting and the various household arts. A great many are also taught music.
One of the most pleasant features to a visitor is the singing of the little tots in chorus. Yesterday during their visit to the big fair at the Busby building they furnished sweet music for the visitors.
The orphans are all dressed uniformly and make all their own clothes as soon as they are old enough. Some of their needle work is very fine. When visitors enter the school room accompanied by a sister they all rise to their feet until the visitors are seated. On departure they again rise, and repeat in chorus, "good-bye."
The money realized from the fair now going on at the Busby building will be used to furnish the new addition. It is hoped there will be enough money realized to completely equip every room in a handsome manner in keeping with the building.
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