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Silver Jubilee of Fr. Mauritus Greck

Silver Jubilee of Fr. Mauritus Greck

St. Alphonsus Church


From the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Monday, August 17, 1896.


Rev. Father Mauritius Celebrates His 25th Anniversary


Interesting Exercises Saturday and Sunday, in which the Congregation, Clergy and all the Catholic Societies Participate - Numerous and Costly Presents Show the High Esteem in which the Priest is Held by His People.

Saturday and yesterday were days of extraordinary interest to the members of St. Alphonsus church, on the South Side, and both days were celebrated in a manner befitting the occasion. Rev. Father Mauritus Greck O. M. Cap., pastor of the church, celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary as a priest and the congregation of the church and the clergy from many other cities gathered together and in various appropriate ways made his silver jubilee one long to be remembered.

The celebration began Saturday afternoon, when representatives of the various Catholic societies met in the basement of the church and bestowed upon their pastor many presents of useful and valuable nature. The meeting was called to order by Mr. M. Kirchner, who stated the object of the meeting, and introduced Mr. Frederick Nolte who expressed the congratulations of the trustees in a brief but forcible speech. In behalf of the trustees, he presented Father Mauritus with a new dress suit. Mr. Kirchner, on behalf of the St. Alphonsus society, presented him with a handsome silver holy water pot; the Knights of St. George, through Mr. C. Steinmetz, presented books and extension candles and wax for use in the mass. The Young Men's Sodality, through their spokesman, Mr. Frank Miller, gave the pastor fifty bottles of wine. The Catholic legion, represented by Mr. John Amick, gave several ornaments. The Knights of St. John, an umbrella. Then followed presents of books, dishes, silver tea sets, etc., from the Christian Mothers, Young Ladies Sodality, and the children of the congregation.

At the meeting Rev. Father Raphael presided and made a neat speech of congratulation. At its conclusion, Father Mauritus responded, thanking the congregation for the many remembrances received and the afternoon's exercises were at an end.

Yesterday was an eventful day at the church also. In the morning jubilee mass was sung at 8 o'clock, which was attended by the full congregation and hundreds of visitors. Father Mauritus was the celebrant and was assisted by Rev. Fathers Hyacinth and Herman, of Pittsburgh, Joseph Anthony and Boniface, of Summit, Pa.; Lorentz, of Canal Dover, O.; Franz and Didacus, of Cumberland, Md., and Laurence, Raphael and Leo. Rev. Father Didacus preached the sermon which was appropriate to the occasion. Prior to the services, the officers of the various societies and the visiting clergy marched from the parish house to the church.

Immediately after the services dinner was served by the officers of the societies in the basement of the church to the clergy and trustees of the church. It was an elaborate affair and was enjoyed heartily by all who were present.

In the afternoon the children of the school met and congratulated the pastor and presented him with various articles and spent a most enjoyable time.

A great many Pittsburghers were down for the celebration and spent the day as guests of the Capuchin fathers at the parish house.

Father Mauritus has been pastor of the St. Alphonsus church for six years and in that time has built up the congregation in wonderful style. He has made many improvements about the church which are appreciated by the trustees and the congregation to a high degree. The celebration of his twenty-fifth year as a priest was joined in by the laiety and clergy of the church in such a manner as to show that they are entirely in sympathy with all he has done since his installation here six years ago.

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