Celebration of the Opening of the B&O Railroad - The Reception
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- from the Wheeling Intelligencer, January 13, 1853
The train of cars which arrived yesterday morning at about two o'clock, contained about 200 passengers, including the Governors of Maryland and Virginia, members of both Legislatures, and various official and distinguished personages. At about five o'clock the rear train arrived with some 200 more of the city's invited guest. They were conducted to the McLure House, and after being regailed with an excellent breakfast retired to the comfortable quarters provided by Mr. Carroll, which the exciting journey had rendered so necessary.
At about noon yesterday, the President and Directors of the Company, the Chief Engineer, Benj. H. Latrobe, Esq., Gove[r]nor Johnson, of Virginia, Governor Lowe, of Maryland, the members of the Legislature, and the great concourse of the invited guests, were escorted to the Court House, where his Honor, Mayor Nelson and the City Council were in waiting, and where the ceremonies of a formal reception took place.
After a brilliant overture had been performed by Captain Holland's Band, of Baltimore, his Honor Mayor Nelson, addressed to the distinguished President of the Company, Thos. Swann, Esq., bidding him and the gentlemen he represented welcome in the name and behalf of the citizens of Wheeling. He tendered his hearty congratulations on the completion of the great work, rendered a deserved tribute to the skill and energy of the President, the Directors, and engineers of the Company, and referred in eloquent terms of the great social and national blessings conferred by this and similar triumphs of art.
Mr. Swann responded in an appropriate and eloquent manner, eliciting enthusiastic cheers.
GOVERNOR JOHNSON was then introduced to the audience and spoke a great deal in a few words in relation to the interesting topics of the occasion.
The addresses were concluded by one from Governor Lowe of Maryland, marked by great power and beauty.
The limited time allotted to the preparation of this article, does not allow us to write out the speeches, of which we have copious notes. We will doubtless be able in another issue to do so.
The grand Banquet will take place to-night.
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