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Tracking Statewide COVID-19 Cases


OCPL, in its continuing pursuit to provide the community with information on the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, has created a Google Sheets spreadsheet tracking the daily number of reported cases in West Virginia of COVID-19 and deaths from COVID-19. The chart includes total number of tests administered statewide, along with percentages of tests positive, percentage of deaths compared to test administered, and percentages of deaths compared to those who tested positive.

The numbers for the spreadsheet are taken from daily reports by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) at

OCPL  will continue to add to the spreadsheet daily throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as updated reports are received from the WV DHHR. 

Spreadsheet of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in West Virginia

Full "COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in West Virginia" spreadsheet at can be accessed at:

For more information, links to local resources, and maps of local testing areas, visit the OCPL COVID-19 Update & Resources Page:

Accompanying image:

Featured Image: OCPL Press Release: Tracking Statewide COVID-19 Cases

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