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Create Newspaper Clipping to Print or Download

To create a clipping from the OCPL newspapers online, follow the directions below.

1. Once you find the newspaper page you'd like to create a clipping from, click on the crop icon tool at the top of the page.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 1: click on the crop tool icon

2. A cropping box will appear over the newspaper page. Click on the center of the box and holding the left-click button down, drag the box to the article you'd like to clip.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 2: Drag the cropping box into place

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 2: Drag the cropping box into place

3. A cropping box will appear over the newspaper page. Click on the center of the box and holding the left-click button down, drag the box to the article you'd like to clip.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 3: Expand crop box to cover the entire article

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 3: Expand crop box to cover the entire article➤ To print out an article or create a pdf of the article, follow steps 4-7.
➤ To download an image of the article to your computer or device, follow steps 8-10.

4. To print the article, click on the arrow button in the lower-left corner of the cropping box.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 4: To print the article, click on the arrow button in the lower-left corner of the cropping box.

5. A pop-up box will appear on the screen. Wait for the image of the article to appear, then click the printer button.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 5: A pop-up box will appear on the screen. Wait for the image of the article to appear, then click the printer button.

6. Another pop-up box will appear on the screen showing you a preview of the print-out. Click the "Print" button at the bottom of the pop-up box to send the print-out to your printer. To download as a pdf, click the destination/printer box and look for the "Save as pdf" option, then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the pop-up box to save the pdf of the article to your computer or device.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 6: Another pop-up box will appear on the screen showing you a preview of the print-out. Click the

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 6: To download as a pdf, click the destination/printer box and look for the

7. A "Save As" pop-up box will appear on the screen. Choose a folder on your computer or device to save the image to, name your file, then click the "Save" button.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 7: A Save As pop-up box will appear on the screen. Choose a folder on your computer or device to save the image to and click the Save button.

8. To download an image of the article to your computer or device, click on the arrow button in the lower-left corner of the cropping box.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 8: To download an image of the article to your computer or device, click on the arrow button in the lower-left corner of the cropping box.

9. A pop-up box will appear on the screen. Wait for the image of the article to appear, then click the download button.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 9: A pop-up box will appear on the screen. Wait for the image of the article to appear, then click the download button.

10. A "Save As" pop-up box will appear on the screen. Choose a folder on your computer or device to save the image to and click the "Save" button.

Creating a newspaper clipping - step 10: A Save As pop-up box will appear on the screen. Choose a folder on your computer or device to save the image to and click the Save button

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