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Special Program: Democracy - A Community Conversation

October 29, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm

Special Program: Democracy - A Community Conversation

Oct. 29, 2024 (Tues. at 6:30) Democracy: A Community Conversation

In conjunction with an exhibit that tells the story of the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 designed by WVU professor Eve Faulkes and funded by the Community Coalition for Social Justice and a related graphic novel with West Virginians’ stories (including that of Rosemary Ketchum) told with over 200 illustrations, the Library and the WALS Foundation will host an Open Public Forum on our American Democracy. Beginning with conversations, and then using precedents and historical documents, we wish to encourage non-partisan, civil discussions on the state of democracy in our country and hopefully develop responsible voting in elections. This will include active listening and maintaining an atmosphere of open-ended, respectful dialogues exploring Democracy as a concept, lessons from history, and applying what we have learned to a contemporary problem or issue.


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