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Rime of the Ancient Mariner Shadow Play

October 29, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Rime of the Ancient Mariner Shadow Play

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a 1798 poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In it, the Mariner delays a young man on his way to a wedding in order to share a bizarre story of a long sea voyage. The Wedding Guest is mesmerized, then terrified by what he hears. But what is the meaning of Coleridge's potent and perplexing poem, with its archaic language, judgmental Christianity, hellish scenery, and deranged but irresistible narrative drive? In this re-telling, the Mariner’s Rime will be interpreted through shadow play--an Asian style of storytelling, wherein flat images are manipulated by puppeteers between a bright light and a translucent screen, on the other side of which sits the audience. The poem has been adapted for shadow play by Jamie Hamilton.

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"Lunch With Books" is the library’s flagship program for adult patrons. These lunchtime programs feature authors, poets, musicians, historians, and more every Tuesday at noon. Bring lunch (to your computer), feed your brain!

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