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People's University, YOGA: Class 2, Chakras & YOGA

February 01, 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm

People's University, YOGA: Class 2, Chakras & YOGA

Feb. 1, Class 2, Chakras & YOGA

Yoga philosophy refers to energy centers in the body as chakras.  Each chakra has a unique location, and effect on the mind, body and soul.  Learn about the seven main energy centers and how to work with them through a yoga practice.  Class will conclude with a flow, focusing on moving energy through the body.

Instructor Betsy Sweeney has been teaching yoga for over ten years.  She completed her training in the ashtanga tradition, but her teaching style draws on many different yogic traditions. In recent years she has incorporated other forms of energy work into her classes. Betsy is Reiki I certified and hopes to help participants connect mind, body and spirit. 

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