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PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY ONLINE: Physical Science- Class One: The Philosophy of Science

January 14, 2021
6:30pm - 8:00pm

PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY ONLINE: Physical Science- Class One: The Philosophy of Science

Abstract: What is Science and who cares? Why is Science revered or rejected? What is the role of Science in society’s decision-making, and in its search for equity? Instructor Mary Ellen Cassidy will lead us through an exploration of the philosophy of science. 

This program will be available to watch live on Facebook Live, on YouTube, and on the OCPL website's People's U Livestream page Log into your Facebook or YouTube account during the program to leave a question for Mary Ellen in the comments box. She will answer them during the live broadcast. Make a comment, or ask a question, and you will be entered in a drawing at the end of the livestream to win a Great Women of Science Pint Glass from Uncommon Goods. 

SPEAKER BIO: Mary Ellen’s professional background includes teaching and research in the areas of Chemistry, Statistics, Algebra, and Environmental Science. Her community background includes Appalachian Institute Director, New Energy Economy Coordinator at WALS, Wheeling Solar Co-op Coordinator, Solar United Neighbors of West Virginia Board Member, and Energy Efficient West Virginia Steering Committee member. Mary Ellen is currently enjoying her work as a Mathematics/Science Tutor, at West Virginia Northern Community College’s Academic Support Center.

ABOUT THIS PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY SERIES: "Physical Science, The Joy of Discovery"

The Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling will offer the 31st entry in its People's University series as a 6-class online, livestream presentation. "Physical Science, The Joy of Discovery" will take attendees on a journey through the philosophical and intellectual development of science as a method of accurately weighing evidence, eliminating bias, finding facts, and acquiring knowledge. 

The opening classes in the series will explore, in part, the following themes: Science is not political; Science is not magical; Science is not faith or belief; science is not based on feelings; it's not a conspiracy and has no hidden agenda. Science is the earnest pursuit of what is true in terms of the best available, logically generated evidence. Science recognizes that it’s OK to be wrong and to learn from it. 

Later classes in the series will explore the history and fundamental building blocks of the pillars of physical science: chemistry and physics. Attendees will learn about what matter and energy are and what laws they obey. Additional classes will explore specific applications of chemistry, namely laser technology as well as combating multi-drug resistant bacteria through drug discovery.

Classes for People’s University LIVESTREAM—"Physical Science, the Joy of Discovery," will meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, January 14 through February 18. All programs are free and open to the public. Patrons may attend as many classes as they wish. There are no tests or other requirements. For more info about the People’s University LIVESTREAM—"Physical Science, the Joy of Discovery," email [email protected], visit the OCPL's website or call 304-232-0244.

- People's University Online-
Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8 pm on YouTube Live and Facebook Live

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In 1951, the Ohio County Public Library's librarian, Virginia Ebeling, referenced British historian Thomas Carlyle, who said, “the public library is a People’s University,” when she initiated a new adult education program with that name. Miss Ebeling charged the library with the responsibility of reaching “as many people in the community as possible.” In keeping with that tradition of public libraries as sanctuaries of free learning for all people, the Ohio County Public Library revived the series in 2010. The People’s University features courses (taught by experts in each subject) that enable patrons to pursue their goal of lifelong learning in classic subjects such as history, music appreciation, philosophy, and literature. Patrons may attend as many classes as they wish. There are no tests of other requirements and all programs are free and open to the public.

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