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People's University, Biology, Class 6: Crayfish with Zachary Loughman

October 27, 2015
7:00pm - 7:00pm

People's University, Biology, Class 6: Crayfish with Zachary Loughman

Zach Loughman

This class will focus on the biology and natural history of crayfish, including crayfish conservation. By understanding distribution and potential environmental threats to crayfishes, conservation recommendations and actions ultimately will be more useful and efficient. Several live animals available for people to interact with from West Liberty University's Astacology Collection, which currently houses 1,500 lots of cataloged crayfishes from across West Virginia and the southeastern United States. Instructor: Dr. Zachary Loughman

Instructor Dr. Zachary Loughman is assistant professor of biology at West Liberty University. He earned his BS from West Liberty University, his MS from Marshall University, and his PhD from Indiana State University. He teaches Zoology, Ecology, and Conservation Biology, among other things. His current research project focuses on crayfish natural history, taxonomy, and conservation biology, with an emphasis on crayfishes that occur in West Virginia.



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