People's University, A History of Wheeling, Class 3: Wheeling as the Premier City of West Virginia
November 15, 2016
7:00pm - 7:00pm
The latest series in the People's University program at the Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling will explore the history and culture of Wheeling, West Virginia. Classes will meet on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, from November 1 through December 20 in the library's auditorium. The series, which will be presented entirely by Dr. David Javersak, is a new edition of the first ever and most popular People’s University series, first offered six years ago.
Classes begin on Tuesday, November 1 at 7 PM with Frontier Wheeling, the Clash of Cultures.
The remainder of the schedule for People’s University, A History of Wheeling:
Class 2 (November 8): Wheeling as an Entrepot
Class 4 (November 22): The Underside of Wheeling’s History
Tuesday, November 29 –NO CLASS
Class 5 (December 6): Wheeling’s Ethnic History
Class 6 (December 13): Contemporary Wheeling
Class 7 (December 20): Wheeling Streetscapes, Past & Present (Featuring Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps)

Instructor Dr. David Javersak is emeritus Dean of Liberal Arts and professor of history at West Liberty University, where he taught, for many years, a very popular class on the History of Wheeling from which this series was adapted.

The People's University was created to help fulfill the library’s mission to be a sanctuary of free learning for all people. It is a program for adults who wish to continue their education in the liberal arts, through courses — taught by experts in each subject — that enable patrons to pursue their goal of lifelong learning in classic subjects such as science, history, philosophy, and literature. The program is free and open to the public. To rsvp for The People’s University A History of Wheeling, please call the library at 304-232-0244, send an email to
[email protected], or visit the Reference Desk. Remember, classes are free and open to the public. There are no grades, and registration is not a commitment. You are welcome to attend all or only some classes. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. For more information, visit
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