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People's U. Climate Change, Class 5-Generation Z Takes Action-featuring Zane Murray, Robert Bilott, & Edgar McGregor

September 07, 2023
7:00pm - 8:00pm

People's U. Climate Change, Class 5-Generation Z Takes Action-featuring Zane Murray, Robert Bilott, & Edgar McGregor

Climate Change: Is there still hope? Class 5-Reasons for Hope -Generation Z Takes Action-featuring Zane Murray

Our guest will be 11-year-old Zane Murray of Wheeling, who met with and interviewed attorney Rob Bilott at his law office in Covington, Kentucky, in December 2022 for a school project on PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). Murray was haunted by the dangers of these man-made chemicals, which are linked to cancer and other diseases, after he watched the film “Dark Waters” depicting Bilott’s work to hold industry accountable for PFAS pollution. Murray went on to win the U.S. History first-place award for a project he presented at Steenrod Elementary School at an Ohio County Schools social studies fair and second place in the state, but he did not stop there. Zane wrote more than 140 letters urging action on PFAS to state and federal lawmakers. Zane will be joined by Mr. Bilott, who will Zoom in to appear at our program and speak with Zane about their work and about hope for the future. Don’t miss Zane’s inspirational story.

Just Announced!

Edgar McGregor is a Climate Science senior at San José State University in San Jose, California. He has collected litter from Eaton Canyon in Southern California and other Bay Area natural areas for nearly 1,500 days and counting. His dedication to protecting his local natural area has drawn the attention of the CBS Evening news, KNX Radio, NPR, the Today Show, Yale Climate Connections, multiple local news outlets, and several national politicians. Edgar's climate activist #EarthCleanUp account on Twitter has over 44,000 followers. Edgar runs a hyperlocal weather forecasting page in his community with 1,500+ members including local police departments, fire departments, city leaders, and community leaders.

Thursday | 09-07-2023 at 7 PM
PU LIVESTREAM: Class 5-Reasons for Hope -Generation Z Takes Action-featuring Zane Murray


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In 1951, the Ohio County Public Library's librarian, Virginia Ebeling, referenced British historian Thomas Carlyle, who said, “the public library is a People’s University,” when she initiated a new adult education program with that name. Miss Ebeling charged the library with the responsibility of reaching “as many people in the community as possible.” In keeping with that tradition of public libraries as sanctuaries of free learning for all people, the Ohio County Public Library revived the series in 2010.

The People’s University features courses (taught by experts in each subject) that enable patrons to pursue their goal of lifelong learning in classic subjects such as history, music appreciation, philosophy, and literature. Patrons may attend as many classes as they wish. There are no tests of other requirements and all programs are free and open to the public. For more information about PU: The Cold War, EMAIL US,  visit, or call the library at 304-232-0244.

Thursday | 09-07-2023 at 7 PM
PU LIVESTREAM: Class 5-Reasons for Hope -Generation Z Takes Action-featuring Zane Murray


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