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People's U., Climate Change: Class 2-Will forests continue to slow climate change in the future

August 17, 2023
7:00pm - 8:00pm

People's U., Climate Change: Class 2-Will forests continue to slow climate change in the future

Climate Change: is there still hope? Class 2-Will forests continue to slow climate change in the future?

Forests are one of the best ecosystems at taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and locking it away for long periods of time.  Without this vital ecosystem service, climate change would progress at a much faster pace.  However, forest productivity and health may be threatened or enhanced by changes in future climate.  In this class, we will discuss how forests store C and how their ability to continue doing so is altered by elevated carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, warming, and drought.

Instructor: Joanna Ridgeway, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Biology, WVU.

Joanna Ridgeway is a PhD candidate working with Dr. Eddie Brzostek in the Department of Biology at WVU. Her research focuses on how managed and unmanaged ecosystems sequester carbon and help combat climate change. She received her B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from West Virginia University and will be completing her doctoral degree in Biology at West Virginia University in fall of 2023. 






Thursday | 08-17-2023 at 7 PM
PU LIVESTREAM: Class 2: Will forests continue to slow climate change in the future?


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