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LUNCH WITH BOOKS: Why Do Wheeling's Old Places Matter with Bekah Karelis

May 22, 2018
12:00pm - 12:00pm

LUNCH WITH BOOKS: Why Do Wheeling's Old Places Matter with Bekah Karelis


Why Do Wheeling's Old Places Matter?

Inspired by the National Trust for Historic Places' blog series, "Why Do Old Places Matter," Bekah Karelis will explore WHY Wheeling's old places matter to the community, Tuesday, May 22 at noon at Lunch With Books at the Ohio County Public Library. In honor of preservation month, she will discuss Wheeling's past and historic built environment, and why they are important to the city's present-day and future inhabitants. Karelis will review the 14 reasons why old places matter through the lens of Wheeling's history and the grassroots historic preservation movement that grew because of it. In recognition of the Library’s annual OCPL week, Karelis will talk about the adaptive reuse of the old Wheeling Public Library building on Market Street, now Bennett Square.

Lunch With Books: May 22, 2018, at noon - Why Do Wheeling's Old Places Matter

Bekah Karelis has a Masters in Public History from WVU where she has served as adjunct professor. As a historian for Wheeling Heritage, she manages a variety of heritage projects, writes National Register nominations, prepares and submits Historic Property Inventory forms, liaises with the State Historic Preservation Office and other public and private entities, and writes SHPO Survey & Planning and Development grants. She co-founded the Wheeling Young Preservationist's organization, is the editor of the Upper Ohio Valley Historical Review, and serves on the West Virginia Humanities Council Program Committee and the West Virginia Association of Museums Board of Directors.

- Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 
Lunch With Books starts at noon in the Library Auditorium. 

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