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LUNCH WITH BOOKS: Wheeling 250 - Fires, Floods, and Storefronts: Photographing Wheeling's History

October 01, 2019
12:00pm - 1:00pm

LUNCH WITH BOOKS: Wheeling 250 - Fires, Floods, and Storefronts: Photographing Wheeling's History

October is National Archives Month!

In celebration of the Wheeling 250 and in conjunction with Archives Month, the OCPL’s Local History and Archives Team will explore how commercial photography, as well as floods, fires, and disasters, have helped preserve Wheeling’s story in images.

The program will also mark the opening of a special exhibit in the Library Auditorium featuring photographs of Wheeling between the 1930s and the 1960s taken by two generations photographers, Dick Cress and his father, Robert Cress.

Facebook event page.

Lunch With Books: October 1st at noon -Wheeling 250 - Fires, Floods, and Storefronts: Photographing Wheeling's History


ABOUT NATIONAL ARCHIVES MONTH: Celebrated throughout the month of October, American Archives Month serves as a time to raise public awareness about the importance of historic documents and records and give professionals an opportunity to share that items that are important to them are being preserved, cataloged, cared for, and made accessible.

- Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - 
Wheeling 250 - Fires, Floods, and Storefronts: Photographing Wheeling's History

Lunch With Books starts at noon in the Library Auditorium. 

"Lunch With Books" is the library’s flagship program for adult patrons. These lunchtime programs feature authors, poets, musicians, historians, and more every Tuesday at noon. Complimentary beverages are provided. Bring your lunch, feed your brain!

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