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Wheeling Health Department Officials and Employees, 1913

Wheeling Health Department Officials and Employees, 1913

Health Department

Health Department Officials and Employees

Report of the Health Department of City of Wheeling, West Virginia, for the two years ending June the thirtieth nineteen hundred & thirteen

Health Department Officials:

William Hay McLain, M.D., Health CommissionerAndrew Wilson, M. D., BacteriologistL. N. Reefer, V.M.D., City VeterinarianStella E. Staib, ClerkEmma Altmeyer, ClerkFrank S. Cox, Milk InspectorJoseph Deusch, Sanitary OfficerJohn Brewster, Santiary Officer

Garbage Employees

Harry Custer, Supt.John E. BooherEdward McClatcheyBenj. Koon

Crematory Employees

Wm. Runyan, Stable Boss


John Zircher Walter Custer Lawrence Clark
Robert Mitchell Joseph Clark Ed. Runyan
Charles McDiffett Wm. Gardner J. W. Gregory
Ed. Taylor John Thomas Louis Gaylocher
S. Taylor Wm. Schultz Fred Ringwold
  Ben Green  

- from "Report of the Health Department of City of Wheeling, West Virginia, for the two years ending June 30, 1913." Located in the Wheeling Room, Ohio County Public Library.


Service provided by the staff of the Ohio County Public Library in partnership with and partially funded by Wheeling National Heritage Area Corporation.

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